ASVe, Bailo a Costantinopoli, Carte turche, Busta 252, Fascicle 338, 39-40

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Date Created
1637-07-20 (uncertain; approximate)
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English Summary - Plain
Nişan granted to the Venetian consul in the Trablusşam area, Marko Sudarenti. This long document describes the rights and responsibilities of the Venetian consul in the area and the rules that the Ottoman officials have to obey. Below are some of them Disputes between the Venetian subjects are to be referred to the bailo.Apart from customs fees that are determined in the ahdname, no more fees, taxes are to be requested from the Venetian merchants trading at the Ottoman ports. In case of a Venetian subject escapes from Venice and takes refuge in the Ottoman lands, he is to be returned if requested by bailo. No one should oppress or demand tribute from dragomans that are in the service of bailos and consuls.Any disputes involving the Venetian consuls should be referred to the Porte and heard in the Imperial Council so that no one will oppress them locally. Consuls and dragomans are not to be oppressed.
Gregorian Date Qualifier
Hijiri Date
Evahir-i Sefer 1047:Evahir
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reformatted digital
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English Summary
Nişan granted to the Venetian consul in the Trablusşam area, Marko Sudarenti. This long document describes the rights and responsibilities of the Venetian consul in the area and the rules that the Ottoman officials have to obey. Below are some of them Disputes between the Venetian subjects are to be referred to the bailo.Apart from customs fees that are determined in the ahdname, no more fees, taxes are to be requested from the Venetian merchants trading at the Ottoman ports. In case of a Venetian subject escapes from Venice and takes refuge in the Ottoman lands, he is to be returned if requested by bailo. No one should oppress or demand tribute from dragomans that are in the service of bailos and consuls.Any disputes involving the Venetian consuls should be referred to the Porte and heard in the Imperial Council so that no one will oppress them locally. Consuls and dragomans are not to be oppressed.
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